Source code for fluidsht

"""FluidSHT: Spherical Harmonics Transform API

The sht and related `operators` classes are in the subpackages

.. autosummary::


This root module provides two helper functions to import sht classes and
create sht objects:

.. autofunction:: import_sht_class

.. autofunction:: create_sht_object

from importlib import import_module as _import_module
from fluidsht._version import __version__, __about__

__all__ = ["__version__", "__about__", "import_sht_class", "create_sht_object"]

[docs]def import_sht_class(method, raise_import_error=True): """Import a sht class. Parameters ---------- method : str Name of module or string characterizing a method. It has to correspond to a module of fluidsht. The first part "fluidsht." of the module "path" can be omitted. raise_import_error : {True}, False If raise_import_error == False and if there is an import error, the function handles the error and returns None. Returns ------- The corresponding SHT class. """ if method.startswith("sht2d.") or method.startswith("sht3d."): method = "fluidsht." + method if not method.startswith("fluidsht."): raise ValueError( "not method.startswith('fluidsht.')\nmethod = {}".format(method) ) try: mod = _import_module(method) except ImportError: if raise_import_error: raise ImportError(method) else: print("ImportError:", method) return None return mod.SHTclass
[docs]def create_sht_object( method, n0=None, n1=None, n2=None, lmax=15, *args, **kwargs ): """Helper for creating sht objects. Parameters ---------- method : str Name of module or string characterizing a method. It has to correspond to a module of fluidsht. The first part "fluidsht." of the module "path" can be omitted. n0, n1, n2 : int Dimensions of the real space array (in sequential). lmax : int Truncation degree Returns ------- The corresponding SHT object. """ cls = import_sht_class(method) str_module = cls.__module__ if n2 is None and str_module.startswith("fluidsht.sht3d."): raise ValueError("Arguments incompatible") elif n2 is not None and str_module.startswith("fluidsht.sht2d."): raise ValueError("Arguments incompatible") if n2 is None: return cls(n0, n1, lmax, *args, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError
# return cls(n0, n1, n2, lmax, *args, **kwargs)