Source code for fluidsht.sht2d.operators

"""Operators 2D (:mod:`fluidfft.sht2d.operators`)

.. autoclass:: OperatorsSphereHarmo2D

from contextlib import suppress
import os
import numpy as np
from transonic import boost
from .. import create_sht_object
from ..compat import cached_property

SKIP_SHTNS = os.getenv("SKIP_SHTNS")

Af = "float64[:]"
Ac = "complex128[:]"
Ac_optional = "complex128[:] or None"

def get_simple_2d_method() -> str:
    """Easily select an available SHT library. Used by the operators class when
    ``sht="default"`` is specified.

        if SKIP_SHTNS:
            raise ImportError

        import shtns

        sht = "sht2d.with_shtns"
    except ImportError:
        # sht = "sht2d.with_shtools"
        raise NotImplementedError

    return sht

[docs]@boost class OperatorsSphereHarmo2D: r"""Perform 2D SHT and operations on data. Parameters ---------- nlat : int Global dimension over the theta-axis (?? dimension for the real arrays). nlon : int Global dimension over the phi-axis (?? dimension for the real arrays). lmax : int Truncation degree. norm : str Normalization for SHT transforms. See ``options_norm`` in the respective modules for available options. cs_phase : bool Disable (default) or enables the Condon-Shortley phase factor to the associated Legendre functions; radius : float Radius of the sphere sht: str or SHT classes Name of module or string characterizing a method. It has to correspond to a module of fluidsht. The first part "fluidsht." of the module "path" can be omitted. Notes ----- Some of the class attributes and their equivalent mathematical definitions .. math:: \texttt{l2_idx} &= l(l+1) \\ \texttt{K2} &= \frac{l(l+1)}{r^2} &= -\Delta \\ \texttt{K2_r} &= \texttt{K2} \times r &= \frac{l(l+1)}{r} \\ \texttt{inv_K2_r} &= \texttt{K2_r}^{-1} &= \frac{r}{l(l+1)} where, :math:`\Delta = \nabla^2 :=` Laplacian operator. """ nlm: int K2: Af inv_K2_not0: Af K2_r: Af inv_K2_r: Af def __init__( self, nlat=None, nlon=None, lmax=15, norm="orthonormal", cs_phase=False, grid_type="gaussian", radius=1, sht=None, ): if sht is None or sht == "default": sht = get_simple_2d_method() if isinstance(sht, str): if any([sht.startswith(s) for s in ["fluidsht.", "sht2d."]]): opsht = create_sht_object( sht, nlat, nlon, lmax=lmax, norm=norm, cs_phase=False, grid_type=grid_type, radius=radius, ) print(f"{sht}: nlat={opsht.nlat}, nlon={opsht.nlon}") else: raise ValueError( ( "Cannot instantiate %s. Expected something like " "'default', 'fluidsht.sht2d.<method>' or " "'sht2d.<method>'" ) % sht ) self.opsht = opsht self.type_sht = opsht.__class__.__module__ for attr in ( "nlat", "nlon", "lats", "lons", "LATS", "LONS", "deltax", "deltay", # FIXME: deltay "shapeX", "shapeX_loc", "shapeX_seq", "shapeK", "shapeK_loc", "shapeK_seq", "nlm", "l2_idx", # l(l+1) "radius", "K2", "K4", "K8", "K2_not0", "_zeros_sh", ): self.copyattr(attr) # for fluidsim plotting self.x_seq = self.lons self.y_seq = self.lats self.lmax = lmax self.norm = norm self.cs_phase = cs_phase self.grid_type = grid_type for method in ( # Initialization methods "create_array_spat", "create_array_spat_random", "create_array_sh", "create_array_sh_random", # Generic transformations "sht", "isht", "sht_as_arg", "isht_as_arg", # Velocity vector <-> Spherical Harmonics transformations methods "vec_from_vsh", "vsh_from_vec", # Gradient "gradf_from_fsh", # Misc. "dealiasing", # FIXME: Implement properly # Post-processing "sum_wavenumbers", # Informational "produce_str_describing_oper", "produce_long_str_describing_oper", ): self.copyattr(method) @cached_property def inv_K2_not0(self): inv_K2_not0 = 1.0 / self.K2_not0 inv_K2_not0[self.l2_idx == 0] = 0.0 return inv_K2_not0 @cached_property def K2_r(self): r"""Compute :math:`r \Delta = [l(l+1)] / r`""" return self.l2_idx / self.radius @cached_property def inv_K2_r(self): r"""Compute :math:`(r \Delta)^{-1} = r / [l(l+1)]`""" return self.inv_K2_not0 / self.radius @cached_property def where_l2_idx_positive(self): return self.l2_idx > 0
[docs] def copyattr(self, attr): """Copies attributes / methods from ``opsht`` instance.""" # For short term development. # To be removed when the backends are the same. with suppress(AttributeError): setattr(self, attr, getattr(self.opsht, attr))
[docs] @boost def laplacian_sh(self, a_lm: Ac, negative: bool = False): r"""Compute the Laplacian, :math:`\nabla^{n} a^{lm}` Parameters ---------- a_lm : ndarray negative: bool, optional Negative of the result. """ if negative: return self.K2 * a_lm else: return -self.K2 * a_lm
[docs] @boost def invlaplacian_sh(self, a_lm: Ac, negative: bool = False): r"""Compute the Laplacian, :math:`\nabla^{n} a^{lm}` Parameters ---------- a_lm : ndarray negative: bool, optional Negative of the result. """ if negative: return self.inv_K2_not0 * a_lm else: return -self.inv_K2_not0 * a_lm
[docs] @boost def divrotsh_from_vsh( self, uD_lm: Ac, uR_lm: Ac, div_lm: Ac_optional = None, rot_lm: Ac_optional = None, ): """Compute divergence and curl from vector spherical harmonics uD, uR (``div_lm`` and ``rot_lm`` are overwritten). """ if div_lm is None: # div_lm = self.create_array_sh() div_lm = np.empty(self.nlm, complex) if rot_lm is None: # rot_lm = self.create_array_sh() rot_lm = np.empty(self.nlm, complex) div_lm[:] = -self.K2_r * uD_lm rot_lm[:] = self.K2_r * uR_lm return div_lm, rot_lm
[docs] @boost def vsh_from_divrotsh( self, div_lm: Ac, rot_lm: Ac, uD_lm: Ac_optional = None, uR_lm: Ac_optional = None, ): """Compute VSH from divergence and curl spherical harmonics ``div_lm``, ``rot_lm`` (``uD_lm`` and ``uR_lm`` are overwritten). """ if uD_lm is None: # uD_lm = self.create_array_sh() uD_lm = np.empty(self.nlm, complex) if uR_lm is None: # uR_lm = self.create_array_sh() uR_lm = np.empty(self.nlm, complex) uD_lm[:] = -div_lm * self.inv_K2_r uR_lm[:] = rot_lm * self.inv_K2_r return uD_lm, uR_lm
[docs] def vec_from_divrotsh(self, div_lm, rot_lm, u=None, v=None): """Velocities u, v from horizontal divergence, and vertical vorticity (u and v are overwritten). """ if u is None: u = self.create_array_spat() if v is None: v = self.create_array_spat() uD_lm, uR_lm = self.vsh_from_divrotsh(div_lm, rot_lm) return self.vec_from_vsh(uD_lm, uR_lm, u, v)
[docs] def vec_from_rotsh(self, rot_sh, u=None, v=None): """Velocities u, v from vertical vorticity alone (u and v are overwritten). """ return self.vec_from_divrotsh(self._zeros_sh, rot_sh, u, v)
[docs] def vec_from_divsh(self, div_sh, u=None, v=None): """Velocities u, v from horizontal divergence alone (u and v are overwritten). """ return self.vec_from_divrotsh(div_sh, self._zeros_sh, u, v)
[docs] def divrotsh_from_vec(self, u, v, div_lm=None, rot_lm=None): """Compute horizontal divergence, and vertical vorticity from u, v (div_lm and rot_lm are overwritten). """ if div_lm is None: div_lm = self.create_array_sh() if rot_lm is None: rot_lm = self.create_array_sh() # Reuse arrays uD_lm = div_lm uR_lm = rot_lm self.vsh_from_vec(u, v, uD_lm, uR_lm) return self.divrotsh_from_vsh( uD_lm, uR_lm, div_lm, rot_lm # Inputs # Buffers to be overwritten )